

Your Quinn-tessential Allergy Menu

AllerQuinn is a personal allergy menu designed to cater to the unique dietary needs of individuals. My app allows users to input their allergy and dietary preferences and generates a personalized menu of dishes from local restaurants that do not conflict with their specific needs. This eliminates the stress and uncertainty of dining out with food allergies or dietary restrictions, and ensures that users can make informed and confident menu choices. I strive to make the dining experience enjoyable and hassle-free for all users, and are dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date allergy information.

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AllerQuinn shows a simple layout for the powerful utility it offers each user using Material UI. (above is an example of Dev Home view)
AllerQuinn currently the alergen and product data are combined and displayed on a Material Data Grid, but future support should be added to show info in a simple familiar menu format like you would find in a restaurant.
I am currently working on AllerQuinn, an app designed to gather allergy information from popular restaurants and present it in a consistent format. One of the unique features of AllerQuinn is its ability to provide personalized, filterable results for each restaurant based on the user's specific needs. To build this app, I utilized RedwoodJS as my framework. RedwoodJS is a full-stack framework that includes support for technologies such as React, GraphQL, Prisma, TypeScript, Jest, and Storybook. To enable efficient data transfer and real-time updates within the app, I utilized my personal Postgres server and GraphQL for communication between the front-end and back-end.
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Cute Storefront Website

BunNeed is my storefront web store, designed with a clean and modern interface for an enjoyable shopping experience. BunNeed offers a user-friendly platform for small businesses, dropshippers, or individuals to showcase and sell their products. Using the Nest API, it is easy to add, change, or remove products from the database as needed. NunNeed provides a shopping cart that allows users to store their selected products until they are ready to check out.

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BunNeed is designed with a very clean simple interface, MaterialUI styleing on the app can be altered to your prefrence on the ThemeProvider that wraps the index.
The nest API used keeps track of each user, products, and keeps track of each useres cart from session to session
The BunNeed store was developed using React, MaterialUI, Axios, Formik, and Lodash. These frameworks allowed us to create a functional and efficient store. I chose to store the important global functions in the useGlobalContext and reducer. Despite encountering challenges with limitations in the store API, I was able to find innovative solutions and successfully overcome the limitations in the store's API.
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Chores-api is an API that allocates household chores to users based on a point-based system.

I developed a point-based chore API to make household tasks more manageable and rewarding. This API allows users to view a list of chores that need to be completed, each with a corresponding point value based on difficulty. The harder the chore, the more points it is worth. This system allows users to prioritize their tasks and earn rewards for their hard work. The API is user-friendly and easy to integrate, making it an effective tool for organizing and completing household chores.

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